Frequently asked questions

What is Sexaholism?

The most important thing for S-Anon members to know is that sexaholism is an addiction just like any other addiction – with the same elements of loss of control, tendency to continue the damaging behavior despite negative consequences, and the need to do more of the behavior to get the same result. Also, like other addictions, sexaholism affects the whole family.

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What is S-Anon?

The S-Anon International Family Groups are a worldwide fellowship of the relatives and friends of sexually addicted people. S-Anon is a Twelve-Step program based on the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. S-Anon’s Twelve Concepts of Service provide guidance in serving each other in our business matters.  

What is S-Ateen?

The S-Ateen Fellowship welcomes young people, ages 12 to 19, who have been affected by the sexual behavior of someone close to them. S-Ateen meetings are guided by certified, adult S-Ateen Group Sponsors and follow S-Ateen’s Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.

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How do I know if an S-Anon meeting is for me?

S-Anon members often share some common characteristics.

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Why do some groups list only the group contact information and request that you call/email for meeting location?

Meetings are open only to those seeking recovery from the effects of another person’s sexual addiction. On rare occasions, someone who is not affected by sexaholism wants to attend meetings—out of curiosity, for school assignments/work, etc. A key component of our meetings is preserving the anonymity of group members. By maintaining our anonymity (and yours), we are better able to provide a safe and welcoming environment to those truly in need.  

What is the S-Anon Checklist?

The S-Anon checklist is a list of questions you can ask yourself to help you decide whether you might benefit from what S-Anon has to offer. 

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What can I expect at an S-Anon meeting?

S-Anon meetings are structured similarly to other 12-step meetings. 

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What does it mean to “Work the S-Anon Program?” 

Working the program means that you work through the 12 Steps of S-Anon, with a sponsor if possible, in order to understand how another person’s sexaholism effects us, and to learn tools for overcoming the negative effects that manifest in our own actions as we go through our daily lives. 

Through working the S-Anon program, many of us have overcome powerful feelings, which are not ours to carry, of shame or guilt that arose out of being so closely connected to this disease. We have come to understand and accept that we are not responsible for the actions of others, and that those burdens of shame and guilt are not rightfully ours to carry. Our solution depends on keeping focused on our own personal path of recovery and allowing the sexually addicted people to do the same.  

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What is Conference Approved Literature (CAL)?

Conference-approved literature (all S-Anon, SA, Al-Anon and AA literature) is the written experience, strength, and hope of those in recovery and can be used as a tool to help us deal with our problems.