Colorado Meetings
Meeting locations or contact information are linked below.
Group contact information is provided for each listed meeting. If a group does not have any contact information listed, email for more information. The World Service Office will respond by sending you contact information for a local member who can answer questions about the meeting you are interested in attending.
S-Anon meetings in Colorado are for those who have been negatively affected by another person’s sexaholism. A key component of our meetings is preserving the anonymity of group members. By maintaining our anonymity (and yours), we are able to provide a safe and welcoming environment to those in need.
If a meeting address is not listed, feel free to leave a message. A trusted S-Anon group member will return your confidential call as soon as possible. email and voice messages are checked regularly.
CLICK HERE for a list of S-Anon meetings in Colorado
* For a full list of S-Anon Phone and Virtual meetings, email:
** For information on Special Meetings (e.g., Couples, S-Anon Men, S-Ateen) please contact Colorado S-Anon Intergroup at:
Intergroup Contact Info: Phone (720) 432-4269 Email:
*** For information about Colorado Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) meetings go to: