Service Positions

S-Anon groups hold the ultimate authority and responsibility for the healthy functioning of the fellowship as a whole. Members volunteer their time and skills in the service of the S-Anon fellowship so that groups continue to function. The S-Anon service structure provides a framework for members.  

Each local group establishes service positions to meet the needs of the group. If an Intergroup is operating in the local area, each group may elect a Group Service Representative to attend Intergroup meetings and report back on matters of interest. 

Group service structure: No specific service structure is imposed on a S-Anon meetings, although some structures have been found to work better than others. Each Group decides on the best structure for their group using a process known as “Group Conscience.” Besides a rotating weekly Meeting Leader, who facilitates the smooth flow and functioning of a meeting, some of the most common roles include…



While each group has its own procedures, the secretary may do the following tasks:  

  • Keeps the group informed and updated about important S-Anon activities/events

  • Maintains minutes of business/group conscience meetings 

  • Maintains a strictly confidential file of member contact information subject to each member’s approval (i.e., each member may opt in/out)

  • Keeps a record of members’ sobriety dates, if the group so wishes 

  • Makes certain the World Service Office (WSO) and service entities are up-to-date with yearly group registration, as well as any significant information changes 

  • Shares relevant mail from other groups, intergroup, and WSO, with group members unless this is done by the Group Service Representatives



S-Anon groups are fully self-supporting through their members’ voluntary contributions. Passing the basket at meetings usually covers the group’s monetary needs, with enough left over so the group can do its fair share in support of the local Intergroup, donating to WSO, and contributing to local S-Anon events. The treasurer may carry out the following tasks:  

  • Distributes member contributions for: meeting space rent; Conference approved S-Anon literature; other supplies as needed 

  • Submits group donations to WSO, Annual retreat, and special events 

  • Maintains clear records (a ledger is helpful) 

  • Keeps their group informed about how much money is collected and how it is spent 

  • Makes periodic reports to the group and posts financial  statements quarterly 

  • Maintains a prudent reserve in case an unforeseen need arises (amount determined by group conscience)


Newcomer Contact

Serves as first point of contact for newcomer inquiries:

  • Reassures newcomers they are not alone

  • Provides meeting information

  • Previews what to expect at meetings


Literature Representative

Makes certain that S-Anon Conference-approved books and pamphlets are on hand for meetings and properly displayed; maintains literature supply (ordered from the World Service Office or purchased from the local Intergroup)


General Service

Members often provide service in a number of other ways, including: 

  • Assist with setup/cleanup of the meeting room

  • Participate in regular group conscience/business meetings 

  • Oversee coffee/beverage service for meetings 

  • Volunteer to participate in a newcomer orientation

  • Follow-up with newcomers by phone 

  • Assist in planning retreats, websites, checking voicemails or emails 

  • Reach out to other group members who may be  struggling 

  • Share experience, strength, and hope during meetings 

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Intergroup Representative

This Service Position is an important opportunity to help the Colorado Intergroup's operation.

An Intergroup (sometimes referred to as an Information Services Group) is a service body that facilitates the cooperation of S-Anon groups in a geographic area. An Intergroup’s primary function is to coordinate information and activities in a centralized fashion. 

In our geography, the Intergroup is an umbrella team representing each of the S-Anon meetings within Colorado ( By having a representative from each meeting step forward as their Intergroup rep, we can see the following benefits:

  • Direct input to the Intergroup of ideas or questions/concerns from your meeting

  • Direct channel of communication back to your meeting members, (e.g., upcoming conferences, motion outcomes, WSO updates, etc.,)

  • Assistance (or to request assistance) for Colorado run events

  • Help facilitate the election of the Colorado Area Delegate and Alternate Delegate (every three years)

  • Facilitate the distribution of motions up for consideration at the annual World Service Conference

  • Share best practices (e.g., methods to go "hybrid" when we return to face-to-face meetings)

  • Network and Fellowship with Intergroup team members

The commitment is fairly minimal: 

  • One-hour meeting per month to discuss any Intergroup business. We currently meet the first Tuesday at 7:00 pm MST

  • Bring and share your ideas and caring self with the team

  • Report new business from Intergroup meetings back to your local meeting

  • Occasional assistance at Intergroup sponsored activities (or asking your local meeting members for that assistance)

This is a special Service Opportunity --- a chance to extend your involvement in S-Anon and to give back to the fellowship. 

A comment from Chuck C., a fairly new member representing his Wednesday, Louisville meeting...

"I wasn't sure what to expect when I said yes to joining the Intergroup team. The one meeting a month allows me to meet and get to know fellow S-Anon members, beyond my local meeting. I've been able to be a conduit between my meeting and the larger Colorado community of meetings. I love my Wednesday meeting, but being able to gain a broader appreciation of the S-Anon fellowship was an unexpected bonus. Any additional involvement in the InterGroup is completely up to me. I'm glad I said yes!"

If you're interested, or for questions, please contact Colorado S-Anon Intergroup (720) 432-4269


Area Delegate

There are a total of 56 area delegates across the US and Canada. The Area Delegate represents local groups at the annual World Service Conference (WSC). The responsibility and accountability of the Area Delegate is to:

  • Meet by phone/email with other Delegates

  • Bring the area-wide group conscience to the annual World Service Conference (WSC) annually at the WSC

  • Participate in WSC discussion and vote on issues that affect S-Anon as a whole

  • Serve on a Board of Trustees (BOT) Committee

  • After the WSC, Delegates report voting results to their areas

  • In preparation for the conclusion of their term, the Area Delegate may train a successor

For additional information about S-Anon Service Structure go to: